I'm cryingI'm cryingI'm cryingHeyI'm cryingSpiritI'm cryingHeyI'm cryingI'm cryingI'm cryingI'm cryingI'm cryingHeyIn the sea of your sereneIt's singing your storyIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIt's singing your storyIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIt's singing your storyIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIt's the voice of the messiahIt's leading me awayIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIn the sea of your sereneIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahMessiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahIt's the voice of the messiahI follow you inside your seriesI'm looking for my glory