El Holy Queen entrantable, O Maria,
Ere mother of mercy and of love, O Maria.
Triumphal, ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Ere mother that we sound the hymn.
Salve, salve, salve, Regina.
El Holy Queen entrantable, O Maria,
Ere mother of mercy and of love, O Maria.
Triumphal, ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Ere mother that we sound the hymn.
Salve, salve, salve, Regina.
Our life of sweetness, O Maria,
Our hope in sorrow, O Maria.
Triumphal, ye cherubim, Sing with us, ye seraphim,
Ere mother that we sound the hymn.
Salve, salve, salve, Regina.
El Holy Queen entrant автомобiles.
Sing with us, ye cherubim,
Ere mother of mercy and of love, O Maria.
Santos, santos dominos,
Quiroga respiche manter İn carmen.
Fl wolgo in Toros told her,
Al Jesucristo entrante en la iglesia.
Salve, salve, salve, Regina!
O Maria, amor, hope, and sorrow, O Maria, triumph, holy charity, sing with us in serenity.
O Maria, amor, hope, and sorrow, O Maria, triumph, holy charity, sing with us in serenity.