no she she she she didn't know what I was doing she never knew why I was doing this she didn't understand why I was doing this she didn't understand why I was doing this she never understood why I was doing this she will never understand why I never understood why she will never understand why I was doing this she was never understood why I was doing this she never understood why I was doing this she will never understand why I was doing this she never understood why I was doing this she will never understand why I was doing this she never understood why I was doing this she will never understand I know it's not easy with me but I'm here if something happens that I'm there for other women never interested you my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame my fame she will never be out anymore never nightmare nightmare you dont like nightmare frightening nightmare nightmare femтhe tradicional taxi nightmare nightmare nightmare crash nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare