She wakes up early every morningjust to do her hair nowbecause she cares, y'all.Her day wouldn't be right without her makeup.She's never had her makeup.She's just like you and me,but she's homeless.She's homeless.As she stands there singing for moneyIn my sleep I see her begging,reaching,please.Although the fault is not mine,I ask not why,not and mebut she's homeless,she's homeless.And she's standing there singing for money.La da dee da da da.La da dee da da da.La da dee da da da.She's just like you and meAnd she stands there singing for moneyLadi lada,ladadi lada,Ladi lada,ladeladadad We are one ladi lada,ladadi lada,madadidadad!pozhamotori vocalizingvocalizinghowyouyeah ISONG ENDSSnow,me and snow,me and snow,me and snow.