I thought I was 25, found I was rather 26, and change is funny how your life flips around.I heard they call that growing pains, and as they age, you can expect a lot don't staythe same.Even paying rent becomes a catalyst to go insane.And where we came from, some don't even recall the breath to take, when even atheists begunto pray some.Some still play dumb, the rest all stay numb.We're trying to grow into our skins.Christians wait for the end, will I just wait for the end?I play pretend up in the meantime, scheme where you pay for free time.Some me time, bullets killing spree time.Like Grand Theft Auto 3, when it's the only thing you see, it's gone too far.Needed up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, C, let me start.And the part in which I play today, no way it'll stay the same tomorrow.Pain and sorrow, need a window stain, a circle grain to follow.Fame is hollow, blow over like some cash flow.Killed my credit card, and now I'm broke.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.And I'm still here.Get down.Get down.Get down!I'vebeenwrongtry againWordperceptKnockdownHere's yourscoreCorrectIncorrectWrongTryAgainAnd now it's constantKeepyourselfwithinaconceptOnlycostswhen youask forminusWhatis aloss yetWhatwas yourselfsaidwhatwaspromisedto bethebestpartCanleaveyouNomorequestionsIneedtobethebearerof badnewsAndthrough thegrand schemeof thingsIthink thatthe kingof kingsis probablyjust theman up inthe cardboardboxWeallavoidourmosteveningtapIthinkthatthe kingof kingsis probablyjust theman up inthe cardboardboxWeallavoidourmosteveningtapIthink thatthe kingis probablyjust theman up inthe cardboardboxWeallavoidour