Goodbye Bunyip Bluegum, goodbye Blinky Bill, and beautiful little Nutsy, I can't believe it, our koalas all are dying, can it really be, a national disaster, a world catastrophe?
Pass the hat around between your friends, there's no time to contemplate, maybe if we show some love, maybe it's not too late.
Shiny little black nose, fluffy little ears, furry little bundle, so cute.
Woken up the tears, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie are crying in the rain, and Wombat's gone into his hole and won't come out.
Oh, pass the hat around between your friends, there's no time to contemplate, maybe if we show some love,
maybe it's not too late.
Of course Blinky Bill is dying, cross him off the list, knock on doors, ring the bell, save the eucalypts.
I don't think I could stand the shame of knowing that I could have saved the world from losing something beautiful and good.
So pass the hat around between your friends, there's no time to contemplate, maybe if we show some love, maybe it's not too late.
Oh, pass the hat around between your friends, there's no time to contemplate, maybe if we show some love, maybe it's not too late.
One doctor on the job is hardly enough, one little hospital, wake up Australia.
It's our corner of the world, time to pull our weight.
What would we tell our children about our little mate?
Oh, pass the hat around between your friends, there's no time to contemplate, maybe if we show some love, maybe it's not too late.
Oh, pass the hat around between your friends, there's no time to contemplate, maybe it's not too late.