Never will forget one night, very late, it was around midnight, you can have some strange experiences at midnight. I had been out, leaving the street for me all that night, came home, wife was in the bed and I immediately fall into bed getting some rest, get up early the next morning, decided to keep things going and immediately the telephone started ringing and I picked it up. I had been out, leaving the street for me all that night, came home, wife was in the bed and I immediately fall into bed getting some rest, get up early the next morning, decided to keep things going and immediately the telephone started ringing and I picked it up. I had been out, leaving the street for me all that night, came home, wife was in the bed and I immediately fall into bed getting some rest, get up early the next morning, decided to keep things going and immediately the telephone started ringing and I picked it up. I started thinking about it, said it, didn't suppose it, and now you're lying to me over that. I discovered then that religion had to become real to me and I had to know God. I bowed down over that motherfucker. Oh yes, I prayed a prayer and I prayed out loud and loud and loud. I'm down here trying to do what's right. Lord, I'm down here trying to do what's right. Lord, I'm down here trying to do what's right. Oh yes. You said to the ancestors, ***, it's time to be a human. You're out of this town, ingrate. I'm gonna throw your brains out and throw up your house. You're out of this town, ***, it's time to be a human.