All the talkin' heads on TV, they sellin' their lies
Sayin' their way is better for livin' my life
And I'm fed up with them set up all high on that hill
They don't give a damn about a common man, hell they never will
So say what you want to about the things I hold true
And the fabric that makes up this red, white, and blue
I'll fight for my country till the day that I'm done
I still got my God and I still got my gun
I was raised up to stand up for what I thought was right
A tooth for a tooth and a knife for a knife
And do unto others as you'd be done to
But if you do me wrong mister, gotta come in to you
You can say what you want to about the things I hold true
And the fabric that makes up this red, white, and blue
Cause I'll fight for my country till the day that I'm done
And I still got my God and I still got my gun
And if you want me, come get me
I ain't hard to find, a .45 on my hip
And the Lord on my side
So you can say what you want to about the things I hold true
And the fabric that makes up this red, white, and blue
And I'll fight for my country till the day that I'm done
And I still got my God and I still got my gun
And I'll fight for my country till the day that I'm done
And I'll still have my God and I'll still have my gun