It's glowing on the garden, it's glowing on the bridge, it's glowing people passing by, and teardrops freeze.It glows in two directions, encrypted end to end, uncontrollable radiation.The moon is red, I wanna be born again.Cause you don't see this kind of kissing on the street.Anymore, I wanna be born again.And when you bargain, you might get a better deal, or none at all.None at all.None at all.None at all.None at all.And when the glowing started, most people stood and stared.And though they knew it lasted, they didn't seem to care.A little while later, the moon came out of the dark.It glows in two directions.It glows in two directions.None at all.None at all.None at all.None at all.None at all.None at all.None at all.None at all.You don't see this kind of kissing on the street anymoreI wanna be born againAnd when you bargain you might get a better dealerNa na ohNa na ohNa na ohNa na ohNa na oh