People who wake up when the moon is at night and cook when the sun goes down. People who accompany people in hospitals, parks. People who say goodbye, who receive people on the platforms. People who go ahead, who do not dodge your gaze and who perceive the wind as it will be in summer, as it will be in winter. Two, three hours to enjoy you and two of every seven days to give you a passage in the most beautiful love story. Two, three hours to enjoy you and two of every seven days to give you a passage in a corner of your heart. People who ask for people at the altars, at the rosaries. People who give life, who instill faith, who believe in the one who deserves peace. People who melt in a hug in horror and who share the wave of their soul. People who renew our little hope of one day living in peace. Two, three hours to enjoy you and two of every seven days to give you a passage in the most beautiful love story. Two, three hours to enjoy you and two of every seven days to give you a passage in a corner of your heart. To live like this, in transparent gazes, to receive its light definitively. Clouds go and go and go by, but that light continues to dominate us. How fresh is the shadow they offer, how clean is the sweet water of their gazes. It is for you that a new day begins, there are angels among us, angels among us, angels among us. Two, three hours to enjoy you and two of every seven days to give you a passage in the most beautiful love story. Two, three hours to enjoy you and two of every seven days to give you a passage in a corner of your heart. Two, three hours to enjoy you and two of every seven days to give you a passage in the most beautiful love story. Two, three hours to enjoy you and two of every seven days to give you a passage in the most beautiful love story.