Loko baku garingani wa garingane
Loko baku garingani wa garingane
Right by the fireplace we sit
Gathered in a quest to quench the novelty
Under the stars we gathered every night
Eyes wide open waiting for another take
Right by the fireplace we sit
Right by the fire we sit
Right by the fireplace we sit
Right by the fire we sit
Garingani wa garingane
Garingani wa garingani
Garingani wa garingani
Patangoxa'la tili tonse
Tili tonse
Garingani wa garingani
Garingani wa garingani
Patango-telo tili tonse
Tili tonse
Tili tonse
Children sing with eyes so varied, want to see
Gathered in a suite of old, it's mystery
Loko baku garingani wa garingane
Loko baku garingani wa garingane
Loko baku garingani wa garingane
Tell the stories, teach the children
Let them carry forth our vision
As I tell the stories, teach the children
Let them carry forth our vision
Light by the fireplace we sing
Light by the fire we sing
Tell the stories to the children of the nation
As I tell the stories, teach the children
Light by the fireplace we sing
Tell the stories, teach the children
Let them carry forth our vision
As I tell the stories, teach the children
Let them carry forth our vision
As I tell the stories, teach the children
Let them carry forth our vision
As I tell the stories, teach the children
Let them carry forth our vision
Subtitles by the Amara.org community
No kobaku garingani wakaringane
No kobaku garingani wakaringane
No kobaku garingani wakaringane
No kobaku garingani wakaringane