Ga-ga-ga, goo-goo-goo, you were once a little baby too.You're riding on your bike when someone's screaming,Hey, little one, move, cause I don't have all day.You were little ones too.You farted in your diaper too.Your bib was all splattered with food.You could only talk like babies do.So don't you be so rude.Oh, these children.I'm buying 20 bagels when someone starts to moan.Little one, let me go first. You are way too slow.Let me tell you something.You farted in your diaper too.Your bib was all splattered with food.You could only talk like babies do.And I'm ahead.I'm ahead of you.Ga-ga-ga, goo-goo-goo, you were once a little baby too.With a dummy and a cuddly toy, the stroller was your biggest joy.We play catch together when someone gets annoyed.Children, stop the nonsense.You're making too much noise.Now listen.You farted in your diaper too.Your bib was all splattered with food.You could only talk like babies do.So here's some noise for you.Help, my ears.Ga-ga-ga, goo-goo-goo, you were once a little baby too.With a dummy and a cuddly toy, the stroller was your biggest joy.Ga-ga-ga, goo-goo-goo, you were once a little baby too.Where's my pacifier?voodoo