One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
And where are my songs?
And where are the things that make me wrong?
And where are my rights?
And what are my wrongs?
And where are my rights?
And where are the things that don't belong?
And where are my rights?
And what do I lack?
And what do I love?
And where are the things that don't belong?
And what could I see?
And what do I lack?
And what do I care?
And what are the things that make me wrong?
And where are the things that make me wrong?
And who counts my sins?
And who counts my sins?
And who casts my doubts?
And why should I care if I don't belong?
And how do you know that I don't belong?
And how do you feel
And what are the ways that I wish you could fear
And * your constraints
And * your progress
And * your wisdom
And the words to your songs
And I am nowhere
And I am nothing
I feel sadness
I wish you could heal
And you are nothing
And you are nowhere
Do you feel sadness
You wish I could steal
And I am nowhere