Famous but a fruit tree
So very unsung
It can never flourish
Till its stalk is in the ground
So men of fame
Can never find a way
Till time is flown
Far from their dying day
Forgotten while you're young
Remembered for a while
A much updated wind
From a much outdated star
Life is but a memory
Happened long ago
Theatre full of sadness
For a long forgotten show
Seems so easy
Just to let it go on by
Till you stop and wonder
Why you never wondered why
Safe in the womb
Of an everlasting night
You find the darkness can
Give the brightest light
Safe in your place
Deep in the eye
That's when you'll know
What you really want
Forgotten while you're young
Remembered for a while
A much updated wind
From a much updated star
Fame is but a fruit tree
So very unsound
It can never flourish
Till its stalk is in the ground
So men of fame
Can never find a way
Till time has flown
Far from their dying day
Fruit tree, fruit tree
No one knows you
But the rain in the air
Don't you worry
They'll stand and stare
When you're gone
Fruit tree, fruit tree
Open your eyes
To another year
They'll all know
That you were here
When you're gone