5 cuddly cats playing on their mats
Looking mighty fine in their big top hats
They roll around and chat, chat, chat
Till one runs off to chase a rat
4 cuddly cats laying on their mats
Looking mighty fine in their big top hats
They roll around and chat, chat, chat
Till one runs off to chase a rat
3 cuddly cats laying on their mats
Looking mighty fine in their big top hats
They roll around and chat, chat, chat
Till one runs off to chase a rat
2 cuddly cats laying on their mats
Looking mighty fine in their big top hats
They roll around and chat, chat, chat
Till one runs off to chase a rat
1 cuddly cat laying on its mat
Looking mighty fine in its big top hat
It rolls around and tries to chat
Till it runs off to chase a rat
No cuddly cat laying on the mat
No looking fine in our big top hat
No rolling round, no one to chat
Till the rat comes back for a chat
On the mat with all 5 cuddly cats