Thank you for watching!
Thank you for watching!
Thank you for watching!
I won't pretend I'll ever learn your name
I barely know my own
But I'll try
To be the clever one
And as it starts
It turns your head around
Another chance
You lost to just be found
And in the arms
Of the dark
You feel
You never chose
To end up
But here you are
Now just because you let me slip into
Some comfy
* clothes
Doesn't mean
You know me like you should
But as we're here
And we're up for review
I'll tell you how it goes
Because I've seen this before
And it doesn't look too good
And once I'm gone
I'm never coming back
I'm never
Cause all the fun
Was never worth the flack
So take your ass
You're taking up my floor
Your shirts and shoes
The boys beg for
And get in your car
And drive
Down a heck of a mile
And that's me
After I left your house
So there you go