Every breath you take, every move you makeEvery bond you break, every step you takeI'll be watching youEvery single dayEvery word you sayEvery game you playEvery night you stayI'll be watching youOh, can't you seeYou belong to meI'm a poorI'm a poorEvery breath you take, every move you makeEvery vow you breakEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeI'll be watching youSince you've gone, I've been lost without a traceI dream at night, I can only see your faceI look around, but I see what I can't replaceI feel so cold that I long for your embraceI keep crying, baby, baby, pleaseOh, can't you seeOh, can't you seeYou belong to meI'll be watching youI'm a poor horseBut every step you takeEvery move you makeEvery vow you breakEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeI'll be watching youEvery smile you fakeEvery move you makeI'll be watching youEvery claim you stakeEvery step you takeI'll be watching youI'll be watching youEvery breath you takeEvery move you makeEvery bond you breakI'll be watching youEvery single thingEvery word you sayEvery game you playEvery match you stakeEvery move you makeEvery vow you breakEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeEvery breath you takeEvery move you makeEvery bond you breakEvery step you takeEvery single thingEvery word you sayEvery game you playEvery match you stakeEvery turn you takeyou