Pobre Mami Pobre Mami Pobre Mami Pobre Mami Pobre Mami So much, so much But so much, so much Of living I want the past And help me recover So much, so much But so much, so much The time of petition Fly because I have not flown Give me happiness Give me a reason to be happy Make me fly, make me vibrate, make me feel But stimulate, stimulate, stimulate me Give me a reason to be happy That I want to love and love, understand But stimulate, stimulate, stimulate, stimulate me Start that joy that is hidden That has with its light my life But stimulate, stimulate me Start that joy that is hidden That I feel more alive every time But stimulate, stimulate me Start that joy that is hidden That has with its light my life But stimulate, stimulate me Start that joy that is hidden That I feel more alive every time But stimulate, stimulate me