Bust a Dream by The Bachelorette by The Bachelorette by The Bachelorette Bust a dream I hear the call I hear the call Through the mist Through the mist A figure crawls A figure crawls Kiss every night Kiss every night A shadow remains A shadow remains And soaks me And soaks me Through the walls of my brain I look and it finds me again I look and it finds me again A ladder it shakes A ladder it shakes Till it drives me insane All is lost All is lost Into Into One One One Rehypnosis Rehypnosis Reaches out Reaches out To strangle me To strangle me Kiss every night Kiss every night A shadow remains A shadow remains It soaks me through the holes in my brain I get there and finds me again Rattle and chase till it drives me insane Both Both These These notes These notes These notes Kiss every night Kiss every night A shadow remains A shadow remains It soaks me through the holes in my brain I get there and finds me again Rattle and chase till it drives me insane Both Both These notes These notes These notes These notes These notes These notes These notes These notes These notes And you