Hello, it's me, I have a few complaints, Where have you been? Maybe I'm just too impatient for my own good, Maybe my perception might be off just a little. How do you feel on this fine day you have made? Are you sad or happy about me? What do you have to say to me? I'm all ears, is it something that I need? Clarity is finally coming my way, What I see is me full of himself, Would you please accept my apology, And help me take my time with you my king? Nothing about me, how do you feel on this fine day you have made? Are you sad or happy about me? What do you have to say to me? I'm all ears, is it something that I need? It's to be expected, that things will go still, When all I do is ask for you to do what you can for me. Nothing about me, how do you feel on this fine day you have made? Are you sad or happy about me? What do you have to say to me? I'm all ears, is it something that I need? Nothing about me, how do you feel on this fine day you have made? Are you sad or happy about me? What do you have to say to me? I'm all ears, is it something that I need? That I need? Is it something that I need?