- Artist: Brook Benton as sung on "The Satin Sound Brook Benton"
- Suffolk Marketing-Smi 2
- peak Billboard position # 12 in 1959
- Words and Music by Clyde Otis & Brook Benton
Higher than the highest mountain
And deeper than the deepest sea
That's how I will love you, oh, darling, endlessly
Softer than the gentle breezes
And stronger than the wild oak tree
That's how I will hold you, oh, darling, endlessly
Oh, my love, you are my heaven
You are my kingdom, you are my crown
Oh, my love, you're all that I prayed for
You were made for these arms to surround
Faithful as a morning sunrise
And sacred as a love can be
That's how I will love you, oh darling, endlessly
Darling, endlessly
Darling, endlessly
Transcribed by Robin Hood
These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.