Lời đăng bởi: 86_15635588878_1671185229650
Thank you all for your presence. We assure you that your time will not have been in vain. In fact, this will be the time that you have most wisely invested. The Flim and Flam brothers. It will be interesting. Yep. Welcome everyone to the demonstration of your life. The demonstration of a better life. The demonstration of a better time. And if we have not captured your interest yet, when we finish, an unfortunate phenomenon guarantees that we will. A phenomenon? What is that? It is a perceptible circumstance with the senses, but in this case it is the simple fact that... There are bacteria everywhere when you touch anywhere. The disease that grows more with just breathing. And it can catch you when it goes from land to sea. I am surprised that infected everyone and things are now. Now I understand that some do not believe to be sick. But twisted helmets and joints do not heal so fast. Consider how dangerous this world could be. If it was a fracture when falling, there is a remedy. Well, what you need you will see here. Well, what you buy today will heal you. The Flim Flam tonic is miraculous. It is what the doctor surely received. And I know this can sound fantastic. Impractical. Improbable. Impossible. And magical. So we invite any affected pony to go on stage. Do not crowd. And we will demonstrate the effectiveness of our tonic before your eyes. You! Come here, sir. I bet you're tired of your crutches, friend. Try a sip of this. Tienes mucha suerte. Esto es para ti. En su bella pues tonico hay aquí. Pues el tonico Flim Flam es milagroso. Las moletas ya no volveré a usar. No les fascina esto? Pues no. Hay algo extraño en este asunto. Quizá ustedes sufren alguna decepción. Tus piernas no funcionan, más cansado y viejo estás. Escucha cuando digo, no hay nada que temer. Oirás mejor, podrás correr, tus ojos podrán ver. Eso es debemos de que estén aquí. La solución dentro de un frasco está. El tonico Flim Flam es milagroso. El milagro más grandioso que hay. Pura infecciones, brotes y la plaga del pelaje. La cava fiebre y la corcelitis en una noche. Tienen cascos hinchados, cuartos dilatados, dientes chuecos. Flancos cansados, dolor de lomo, falta de pelo en la cola. Pérdida de melena, fiebre de leno o amigdalitis. Lo oyeron aquí, amigos. El único lugar en ecuestria donde lo hallarán. Se hará crecer o encoger o envejecer. Todos querrán porque al beber, joven vuelves a ser. ¡No compro! ¡Felicidades, Abuela Smith! Acaba de hacer la compra de su vida. ¿Estás igual de preocupado que yo? ¿Chip?