In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Bonsoir. Good evening. For me, it's a very, very special moment. Through all these years, I met them 40 years ago, and the two guys I'm going to introduce to you have been not only friends, but they came here with all kinds of music, world music, Indian music, salsa, Africa, jazz, everything. The whole panorama, the whole flower bouquet that you can think of was presented here thanks to them. But first, I want to introduce to you a fantastic band. Tonight's musicians are Paul Reckhoff, Conga Percussion. In the middle, my man, Mildred Chambers. On bass, Benjamin Redfield. On guitar, Thomas-Antonin Maestou. Dave Matthews on keyboard. Anthony Lindsay on vocal, as well as Andrew Vargas. Etienne Mappe on bass. And on drum, the wonderful Cindy Blackman Santana. And I thought when I listened to the album with those two young guys all dressed in white that the music would be so strong and explore the heart and the feeling of millions of people. And to have the joy and the incredible pleasure and honor to welcome now on stage for the first time together for one and only concert. It's really tremendous for me, and I know we are going to share a wonderful moment in the highlight of the festival music and the heart of everybody. So let's welcome John McLaughlin and Carlos Santana. John McLaughlin. And Carlos Santana. Carlos Santana. Carlos Santana. Bonsoir les amis. Merci beaucoup. Sans vous, on serait pas là. Un grand merci à Claude. Sans Claude, nous ne serons pas là non plus. Ce soir c'est spécial. C'est vraiment spécial. Pour moi personnellement, pour Carlos, pour tous les musiciens. Parce que 40 ans, on va fêter ça ce soir. C'est la fête, la musique, l'amour, la joie et tout ce qui va avec. Merci d'être là. Je vous applaudis aussi.
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