O Allah, I ask you for wealth that is pure, free from harm and deception.
Grant me lawful sustenance that will benefit me in this life and the hereafter.
O Allah, protect me from the tricks of shaitan,
who may tempt me to acquire wealth in unlawful ways,
or lead me towards greed and excess.
Bless me with the ability to earn my livelihood through honest work,
and make my wealth a means of doing good.
O Allah, make me independent of others,
and let me rely on you alone for my provision.
Protect me from the anxiety that comes with financial worry,
and replace it with trust in your plan for me.
O Allah, grant me peace of mind and contentment with the wealth you have decreed for me.
Make my provision a source of goodness and barakah,
and protect me from the harmful effects of wealth and materialism.
O Allah, I ask you to grant me success in all my affairs,
and provide for me sustenance that is abundant,
lawful, and blessed.
O Allah, make my efforts productive,
and grant me success in every endeavor I undertake.
O Allah, bless my business, my work, and my sources of income,
and increase my wealth in a way that brings me closer to you.
O Allah, protect me from financial difficulties and the trials that come with poverty.
Bless my wealth with barakah,
and make it a source of joy and tranquility in my life.
O Allah,
make me content with what you have provided me,
and make my sustenance sufficient for me and my family.
Allow me to use my wealth to help those in need,
and to support the causes of justice, goodness, and peace.
O Allah, I place my trust in you,
knowing that you are the best of providers.
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