without panic, the reality of our time. The fact that atom bombs may someday be dropped on our cities and that Earth prepares for survival by understanding the weapons of electricity. The principal dangers of blast are flying glass and debris. Atom bombs destroy or injure in three ways by blast, heat, and radioactivity. The blast of atom bombs is most important destructive agent. Mystery No. 1 Science Without escape, without panic, the reality of our time. The fact that atom bombs may someday be dropped on our cities and that Earth prepares for survival by understanding the weapons of electricity. The principal dangers of blasts are flying blasts and debris. Atom bombs destroyed or injured in three ways by blast, heat and radioactivity. The blast of an atom bomb is most important destructive agent. Mystery No. 2 Mystery No. 3 The principal dangers of blasts are flying blasts and debris. Atom bombs destroyed or injured in three ways by blast, heat and radioactivity. The blast of an atom bomb is most important destructive agent.