If you say that I'm out of tune, love Know that this in me provokes immense pain Only privileged people have a life like yours I possess only what God gave me If you insist on classifying My antimusical behavior I myself, lying, must argue That this is new possession, that this is very natural What you don't know or even notice Is that out of tune people also have a heart I photographed you in my Rolleiflex Your enormous ingratitude was revealed You just can't speak like that of my love He is the greatest you can find You, with your music, forgot the main thing It's that in the chest of the out of tune In the bottom of the chest beats silently In the chest of the out of tune also beats a heart I photographed you in my Rolleiflex Your enormous ingratitude was revealed You just can't speak like that of my love He is the greatest you can find You, with your music, forgot the main thing It's that in the chest of the out of tune In the bottom of the chest beats silently In the chest of the out of tune also beats a heart www.mooji.org