I'm going to play a song, it's called Cartoon Cat. I'm going to play a song, it's called Cartoon Cat. I'm going to play a song, it's called Cartoon Cat. Slender Man, ey. Siren Head, ey. They fight again, ey. Cartoon Dog, ey. Cartoon Cats, ey. Cartoon Mouse, ey. Shy Guy, ey. They go for the championship. It's not easy, yes I know, darling. I wonder where Cartoon Rat is. They're all in danger, darling. Oh, there's Slender Man, Siren Head, Cartoon Cat and Annabelle. Ram-pam-pam, Siren Head, Slender Man, Cartoon Cat and Annabelle. Ah, they're lost again, yes, in the big forest. Annabelle is dirty, she's sitting under moss now. I see Chucky go. He arrives and sees Annabelle standing. Not the Siren Head, not the Cartoon Cat, not the Cup or Annabelle, neither one of Chucky now. Neither Emma, Sarah, nor Chicken, Tomo, Ha, and the Killers, Amaha. But it's creepy and it's not like my heart. Oh, you have the killer. I don't notice, he loves a lot of thrillers. I blow it up, now everyone is trying to kill me. You call me fake, but in the hood we call me pussy. They go for the championship. It's not easy, yes I know, darling. I wonder, where is Cartoon Rat? They're all in prison together, darling. Oh, there's Slender Man, Siren Head, Cartoon Cat and Annabelle. Ram, pam, pam, Siren Head, Slender Man, Cartoon Cat and Annabelle. Ah, they're lost again, yes, in the big forest. Annabelle is dirty, she's sitting under moss now. I see Chucky going, he's coming and he sees Annabelle standing.