You can see You can see What you desire What you desire You'll receive You'll receive What you desire What you desire Greater things Greater things Ahead in your way Ahead in your way Just believe Just believe What you say What you say You have the power You have the power To To claim What you desire Both hands, sing that to the floor. You can see You can see What you desire What you desire You'll receive You'll receive If you believe, come on, sing it. What you desire What you desire Greater things Greater things Are headed your way Are headed your way Just believe Just believe What You say What You say How To Claim What You Desire Ride Ah Ah Lift up your voice and declare it Say Name It Claim It It's Already Yours Yours Speak It Declare It Your Time Is Now Claim It Claim It It's Already Yours Yours Speak It Declare It Your Time Is Now It is now. It is today. Your Time Come on, put them in the Atmons here. Claim It It's Already Yours Yours Speak It Declare It Your Time Is Now Come on! Your Time Is Now Claim It It's Already Yours Yours Speak It Declare It Declare It Your Time Is Now Your Time Is Now Yours Your Time Is Now Put those hands right where you are. Come on, extend them to the Father. If you really believe that your time is now, your destiny is at hand. Come on, stretch those hands. Open up your mouth right where you are. Worship Him, believers. Hallelujah! Glory!