NON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISNON VERBAL HYPNOSISConsumptAssumptAssumptOf goodsOf goodsOf goodsThe goodIs abuseIs abuseIs abuseIs abuseIs abuseIs abuseAssumptAssumptAssumptLeft nakedNakedIn how did it wentAnd burnedOf the soulBe witnessCold, shouldered and boundWith night-bound eyes blindedA steel houseA house dividedA house dividedDividedWith night-bound eyes blindedIn how did it wentIn how did it wentIn how did it wentIn how did it wentI love you.I love you.I love you.