Baru ku sadari hadirmu
Tumbukan lagi segores
Cinta bersemi
Di hati
Tanpa pernah aku sadari
Kau datang tepat saat ku mencari
Satu kehangatan
Untuk ku berbagi
Dan saat dimana kau ada disini
Saat yang selalu dan selalu ku nanti
Tapi belumlah saatnya
Untuk ku jatuh
Menyanyikan semua
Hanya dapat ku jaga semua
Rasa yang ada
Bila telah tiba saatnya
Kita akan bersama
Cukuplah waktu yang berbicara
Eh eh eh ya
Hey hey eh hey ehнал
Hey hey hey hey hey blush
He was...
Kau sendiri
I realized you came right when I was looking for a warmth
Oh no, I want to share
And when you're here
I always and always wait
But it's not the time
To promise everything
I can only take care of everything
Feelings that exist
When the time comes
We will be together
Enough time to talk
Oh no, I want to share
And when you're here
I always and always wait
And when you're here
I always and always wait
For you to be with me
Enough time to talk
Enough time to talk