We bring back the sweet voice of Yvonne Chow and the Willows as they recall the cruel war.
This is the happening song of the day.
With international trouble and the misery in most parts of the world, it's little wonder
that someone had the foresight of predicting the future way, way back.
The war is waging, Johnny has to fight, I want to be with him from morning till night.
I want to be with him, it grieves my heart so, won't you let me go with you?
No, my love, no, tomorrow is Sunday, Monday is the day that your captain will call you
and you must obey, your captain will call you, it grieves my heart so, won't you let me go with you?
No, my love, no, oh Johnny, oh Johnny, I fear you are unkind, I love you for better than all of mankind.
I love you for better than words can ever express, won't you let me go with you?
Yes, my love, yes.