Mmm, sisters and brothers out there, people all over the world, people are dying, people are crying, leaving their loved ones behind, you never know when it's your turn, God Almighty please take this disease away Lord, I prayed, when will this stop, people are dying, people are crying, never know what tomorrow will be, oh Lord of mercy I pray, give us the strength Lord, give us the zeal, give us the power, to overcome this disease, this pestilence, Father God of mercy Oooh, Oooh, people are dying, people are crying, this moment is sad Heal us Lord, take the disease away, set us free Oooh, Oooh, people are dying, people are crying, the best friend is gone, mothers and sisters and brothers are gone Oooh, Oooh, I can't stop the tears from falling down, down my face Oooh, Oooh, people are dying, people are crying, Lord God, take the disease away Set us free