If you would like me to attempt to communicate with one of your deceased loved ones or friends these are available by clicking on the link in the description below or by searching for my name on Ebay. So with that being said I shall turn on the PSP7 here which is one of the most popular and most effective ghost boxes on the market. I shall go into reverse sweep and we'll see what we can get. The waiter who tells himself that he's just a waiter, it's his lot in life, his destiny. He tells himself he had no choice, that he has to keep on at it because he needs the money. But it's not true, we are all free. We have scary, almost sickening moments of negative ecstasy which might come late at night when we realise that we are in fact far more free than we ever say we are. That we could throw in the job, go and live in the woods or reinvent ourselves.