Here is the complaint, listen, the perpetuated lover, prisoner of a single story, he wanders night and day, the shadows of a single love, on the walls of his dark room. Cinema, cinema, where is the one you love? Cinema, cinema, shadows that love animates. When he travels in other eyes, to other bodies, under other skies, when he sees other landscapes, a single face that he loved, passes and passes again now, on the screen of other faces. Cinema, cinema, where is the one you love? Cinema, cinema, shadows that love animates. Sometimes the image is in color, there are hearts, flowers, tears, like in postcards, but what good pretending? We love in black, we love in white, in the original version. Cinema, cinema, where is the one you love? Cinema, cinema, shadows that love animates. Far from the lights of other times, now if you see her again, in the natural light, how many nights it took, you will no longer recognize her, the image alone is immortal. Cinema, cinema, where is the one you love? Cinema, cinema, shadows that love animates.