Lan Anh Lan Em,
Chung Dong Song Van Van Cau Hong
Choi Nang Choi Mua,
Con Do Nua Thuong Nuoc Doi Bong
Chieu Chieu Lan Em,
Lan Lan Qua Suu Van Hung
Chieu Chieu Lan Anh,
Qua Cao Tham Ngan Da Tin
Duong Chau Cao Tham Tin
Lan Anh Lan Em Yiu Van Trang Soi Mai Tranh Mieu
*** Tham Vinh Que Con Duong De Nuoc Lua De Me
Ngoi Cho Van Trang Anh Nam Ko Bai Ko Ba
Lan Lan Tinh Nghe Canh A Ko Ha Ko Gia
Tran Tan Rung Canh Tre
In the moonlit night
It's so sad, moon
Night, a girl, two boys, two girls
Half moon,
with me, the sun is shining
Half moon,
with me, the night is dark
The moon is not bright
Lang Anh Lang Em
one, two,
One half moon,
with me, the sun shines forever
One half moon,
with me,
the night is dark
The moon is bright
One half moon,
with me,
the sun shines forever
One half moon,
with me,
the night is dark
What do you remember?
Forget it.