He will lead each other,
each other, all our children,
all our children.
Bussumé, Bussumawa,
Béini, Bini, Jiti, Tsoharam, Mappanaya, Shobha.
Tiri Tiri,
Tulu Tulu
Niti Jale Jale
Ula Jale,
Ula Jale
Me Irimini Jiti Tsoharama Pada Yashoma
We are the children of the land,
we are the children of the sea,
we are the children of the land,
we are the children of the sea.
We are the children of the land,
we are the children of the sea,
We are the children of the land,
we are the children of the sea,
Sangyaa Sanghuttey Te Namo Hariya Awalu Kepe
Shoraya Buddhisaduwaya Maha Saduwaya Maha Kaluhikaya
Tadiya Taa Om Taa Taa Taa Tiri Tiri Tulu Tulu
Tiri Tiri Turu Turu
Nitiwe Niti Jale Jale
Ula Jale Ula Jale
Usume Usumawa Leili Mili Jiti Tsoharam Nopana Yashoma
Tadi ya ka om thara thara
Tidi tidi,
Niti we,
niti jale jale
Bula jale,
bula jale
Pusume, pusuma wa
reini minn chikki tvam paramatt banah yashovayah
Nubarachaya Drakkakaya
Allahate Sangyasangutaya
Namo Sarvadakkakate Pereannakate
Namo Hariyawalukepe
Shuraya Burdi Saduwaya
Maka Saduwaya Maka Kalunikaya
Nadiya, ka'a'o,
mthara, ta'a'na,
tiri tiri,
turu turu
niti tshare tshare,
ula tshare,
ula tshare
Usuma wa Re-e-i-ri-mi-ni-chi-ki
the the the the the
I'm not gonna die ♪
I am the one who is the most beautiful,
I am the one who is the most beautiful,
I am the one who is the most beautiful,
Shuaraya burdi saduaya,
maha saduaya,
maha karunikaya,
Tadi antha om tarathana,
tiri tiri,
turu turu,
Nitiwe niti chale chale,
ula chale,
ula chale,
Possumena, Possuma',y Bellina, Bellina
Avada Kedavra Liberator
Sanghya Sanghutaya
Namo Sarvatattatate Pere Andhatape
Sanghya Sanghutate
Namo Hariya Avalokite
Shoraya Buddhisadvaya
Mahasadvaya Mahakalunikaya
Dadiya Kao Tara Tana
implement it on their own rights and environmental rights.
He's a Maranatha Naya Shobha
Hello, China.
You are a child.
I'm not a guy.
I'm not a
Yes, I'm with I am.
I'm not a guy.
I'm not a son.
my motherland,
my motherland, Oh, my motherland,
my motherland, You are the light of my life,
You are the light of my life,
Sangyaa Sanghuttepe Namo Hariya Avalokite?
Shwaraaya Burdi Sadhvaya Mahasadvaya Mahakalunikaya
Dhaagiyan Tha O Tha Ra Tha Ra Tiri Tiri Turu Turu
niti jale jale,
Bula jale,
bula jale,
Me iri mi niji,
Tsoha la noppa na yashoma.
Namo Arya Jnana Sankara Edo Jnana
Yubarachaya Gadvadadaya
Allahate Sankyasam Udaya
Namo Sarva Gadvadate Pere Andahatape
Sankyasam Udayate Namo Arya Awalukepe
Shoraya Buddhisadvaya,
Daliya, Nga'o,
Tulu Tulu,
Nitiwe, Niti Jale Jale,
Ula Jale,
Ula Jale,
username will suma
Sanghya Sanghuttepe
Namo Sarvatakate Pere Andhahate
Sanghya Sanghuttepe
Namo Hariyawalukepe Shoraya Burdi Sadhvaya
Maha Sadhvaya
Maha Kalonikaya
Tadiyat Pao Tara Tara
Tiri Tiri Turu Turu
Nitiwe Niti Jale Jale
Ula Jale Ula Jale
Busume Busumawa Bele Ilimini Jiti Tsoharamapana Yashoma