Chilled Gorilla Hi there, I'm Lottie from Calm Collective and I'm here to help you be a chilled gorilla with this special technique for calming down. It's not always easy to feel calm. Life can be busy and noisy, but this next minute or so is just for you. So make sure when you do this, you're sitting somewhere comfortable, or if you prefer, you can be a chilled gorilla laying down. Going straight from moving to sitting still can be tricky, so we're going to let some energy out. So we're going to make an ah sound like this, ah, letting out lots of air, and at the same time we're going to beat our chests with our fists, like a drum, but just gently. So, take a big breath in through your nose, and here we go. Keep going until you run out of breath, and then let's go again. Big breath in through the nose, and... And one more time, breathe in... And one more time, breathe out... Now, take a moment to enjoy this feeling as your body and mind calm down. There's nothing else you need to do. You're just a chilled gorilla feeling relaxed and calm in the here and now. So, take a moment to enjoy this feeling as your body and mind calm down.