Cheating is a thing that starts when you bring two lonely people face to face with a brand new kiss
She blames him, he blames her, but neither one is ever quite sure which way it really is
And all of the time in the back of their mind, they know they're gonna have to lie about where they've been
Cheating is a thing that'll take a little ring and break it into pieces that'll never go together again
Cheating is a part of love and it starts when true love isn't what lies
Lovers are looking for
A stranger here, a stranger there, then you turn around and swear that you'll never go back for more
And lying at night when you're holding him tight is something that a cheater's heart just says to love
Cheating is a thing that starts when you bring two lonely people face to face with a brand new kiss
It's a thing that's guaranteed to bring two unhappy people to the point of no return
No, it's a thing that starts with the本当
You better buy that thatche
You better be a cheater
You better be a weirdo
You better be retiring
You better be leaving inétatio
The worst of cheating is the sad little kids
Hanging in the middle while mommy and daddy choose
Cheating is a game where nobody wins
And the ones that aren't big enough to play
Are the ones who lose