Nobody dies from a broken heart
Even though you wish you could
When your family comes your way
You can't go free from the scent of your pain
My birthday I awoke to the hum of heat
An orange glow that marked the new beginning
Of my end, the youth of early morning
I wake to the fingers of sun
Laying upon my face
I squint my eyes
For life is a killer as I age
Nobody dies from a broken heart
Even though you wish you could
When your family comes your way
You can't go free from the scent of your pain
As I start another day
Older and closer to death
On this day I'm reflective
Upon the scars of my deeds
Finger pointing in the mirror
Life just seems like a shell of itself
Empty as a lie when you say
You love me
You love me forever
I was a fool
I had no clue
I trusted you
When your family comes your way
On this day when your family comes your way