let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate, These are funky binges la bro! These are, these are funky binges, i tell you! You gonna have a good time! These are funky binges la bro! These are, these are funky binges And i tell you! You gonna have a good time! Because the vogue, obvious the vogue, my bed is the vogue! We are scene not, We are surprise! Shoes is Heaven, tickets are vegan! I give you my money, in the sun is red, so what's going on, it's going to be vegan! I give you my money, in the sun is red, so what's going on, it's going to be vegan! These are funky binges la bro! These are, these are funky binges, i tell you! You gonna have a good time! These are funky binges la bro! These are, these are funky binges, i tell you! You gonna have a good time! I'm fully put to fight this vogue, cuz they let's do me, they let's do me! We are gonna march, it's a type of march! I'm fully put to fight this vogue, cuz they let's do me, they let's do me! It's a type of march! Let's celebrate! Give a ***, can't hear you Your face is wrong, not right Long hair to shine on you So damn ugly Come on, you don't look great Your face is wrong, not right Long hair to shine on you So damn ugly Come on, you don't look great Dinner before the party Whose fault is it? Was it you? Did it come out upset? Taste your lice Boy, don't like it Your face is wrong, not right Your face is wrong, not right Long hair to shine on you Your face is wrong, not right Your face is wrong, not right Long hair to shine on you Your face is wrong, not right Long hair Your lawn Your lice Your face is wrong, not right Your face is wrong, not right Your face is wrong, not right Long hair