Quinn Karem of Nineveh from distant OphirRowing home to Haven in sunny PalestineWine with a cargo of ivory and apes and peacocksSandalwood, cedarwood and sweet white wineStately Spanish galleon coming from the isthmusDipping through the tropics by the palm green shoresWith a cargo of diamonds, emeralds, amethystsTopazes and cinnamonAnd gold my doors, How the sky sings sweetlyDirty British CoasterWith a salt cane to smoke stackButting through the channel in the mad March daysWith a cargo of tine corn, road rails, pig lead, firewood, ironwareAnd cheap tin traysenson kilnNo cargocannonKopfschlachePest controlThank you.MUSIC PLAYSMUSIC CONTINUESQuinn Coram of Nineveh from distant Ophir.Rowing home to Haven in sunny Palestinewith a cargo,of ivory and apes and peacocks,saddlewood, cedarwoodand sweet white wine.MUSIC CONTINUESMUSIC FADESMUSIC FADESMUSIC FADESMUSIC FADES