Say there was a lady who would never get to bed, but she was so bad, so bad.
She was so bad, she was like a candy store and everyone came back for more, but she was so sweet, so sweet, she was so sweet.
Bye bye shady, such a shady lady, did you spend the night with me?
Your selfie for your time.
Girl of leisure, such a dame of pleasure, that paid you well to make it and you knew the way to fake it very well.
Sadie cut the blues and put her head into a noose, so she was so sad.
Sadie was so sad.
So sad.
She was so sad, she was so sad.
The snake went by the glass, was more revealing than a dress, she made the headlines.
Headlines, she gave her headlines.
Bye bye Sadie, such a shady lady, did you spend the night with me?
Your selfie for your time.
Vibe you the night, but not my manager.
Girl of pleasure, such a dame of pleasure, that paid you well to make it and you knew the way to fake it very well.
Ah .
Sadie was a lady who would never get to bed, but she was so bad, so bad .
But so bad.
So bad.
But so sweet
Bye-bye, Sadie
Bye-bye, girl
Bye-bye, Sadie
Bye-bye, girl
Bye-bye, Sadie
Bye-bye, girl