Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ten Song from Haltech Studios.
We hope you very very happy with this song.
Tut Kemalahayati Bulun Purnama.
Are you ready?
Let's go!
Cinta pertama yang lo terasakan Tinggai kenangan masa remaja
Oh, masa remaja
Malam indah pun purnama Betabu bintang mesinar cahaya
Malam bulun purnama Hatiran lo ingatkan lah
Masa-masa bahaya di dalam kita dan kita
Masuk karya di dalam taman
Sikuntong bunga lejok ke tanda
Dalam lubang dua saling bebandar
Larut di dalam kaya dan cinta
Kura kanan, kura kanan, kura kanan, kura kanan, kura kanan
The sky is clear, the clouds are shining
The night is changing, the sun is rising
The night is beautiful, the stars are shining
The light is shining
The night is beautiful, the sun is rising
The night is beautiful, the stars are shining
The night is beautiful, the stars are shining
Go into the garden
The flowers are blooming
The flowers are blooming
The flowers are blooming
The flowers are blooming
Fell in love
A blue sky
The clouds are quienes
Easy to meet
Here we go
Very beautiful night
The moon is bright, the stars are shining
It's beautiful enough, when you remember
There is a shadow that shines
The first love you feel
Reminds you of your childhood
Beautiful night, the moon is bright
There is a shadow that shines