Boku Ga Shinou To Omotta No Wa - Mika Nakashima
Interpret: Mika Nakashima
Lyrics: Akita Hiromu
Music: Akita Hiromu
Boku ga Shinou to Omotta no wa Umineko ga Sanbashi de Naita kara
Nami no Manimani Ukann de Kieru Kako mo Zubannde tonn Deike
Boku ga Shinou to Omotta no wa Tannjyobi ni Annzu no Hana ga Sai takara
Sono Komorebi de Utata neshi tara Mushi no Shigai to Tsuchi ni Nareru Kana
Hakkame Gyouko no Toudai Zabita achi Kyou suteta Jitennsha
Mokuzo no eki no Sutopu no mae de Dokoni mo Tabitate nai Kokoro
Kyou wa marude kinou mitai da Asu wo Kaeru nara Kyou wo kae Nakya
Wakatteru wakatteru Keredo
Boku ga Shinou to Omotta no wa Kokoro ga Kara Pponi natta kara
Mita sare nai to nai Teiru no wa Kitto Mita sare tai to Negau kara
Boku ga Shinou to Omotta no wa Kutsu Himo ga Hotoke takara
Musubi Naosu no wa Nigate Nann da yo Hitoto no tsunaga Rimo mata Shikari
Boku ga Shinou to Omotta no wa Shounenn ga Boku wo Mitsume tei takara
Betto no ue de Dogesa Shiteru yo Ano hi no Boku ni Gomen-nasai to
Paso Konn no usu Akari Jyoukai no Heya no Sekatsu onn
Innta Fonn no Chai mu no oto Mimi wo Fusagu tori ka Gono Shounenn
Mienai teki to tatakatteru Loku Jyou Hitoma no donn ki Hote
Goru wa dou se Minikui Monosa
Boku ga Shinou to Omotta no wa Tsume tai hito to Iware takara
Ai Sareta to Naite Iru no wa Tito no Mukumori wo shitte shima ttakara
Boku ga Shinou to Omotta no wa Anata ga Kirei ni Warau kara
Shinu koto Bakari Kangae teshimau no wa Kitto Ikiru koto ni Majime Sugiru kara
Boku ga Shinou to Omotta no wa Mada Anata ni Deatta naka ttakara
Anata no Youna Hito ga Umareta Sekai wo Sukoshi Sukini nattayo
Anata no Youna hito ga Ikiteru Sekai ni Sukoshi Kitai suru yo
唄 中島美嘉
作詞 秋田ひろむ
作曲 秋田ひろむ
僕が死のうと思ったのは ウミネコが桟橋で鳴いたから
波の随意に浮かんで消える 過去も啄ばんで飛んでいけ
僕が死のうと思ったのは 誕生日に杏の花が咲いたから
その木漏れ日でうたた寝したら 虫の死骸と土になれるかな
薄荷飴 漁港の灯台 錆びたアーチ橋 捨てた自転車
木造の駅のストーブの前で どこにも旅立てない心
今日はまるで昨日みたいだ 明日を変えるなら今日を変えなきゃ
分かってる 分かってる けれど
僕が死のうと思ったのは 心が空っぽになったから
満たされないと泣いているのは きっと満たされたいと願うから
僕が死のうと思ったのは 靴紐が解けたから
結びなおすのは苦手なんだよ 人との繋がりもまた然り
僕が死のうと思ったのは 少年が僕を見つめていたから
ベッドの上で土下座してるよ あの日の僕にごめんなさいと
パソコンの薄明かり 上階の部屋の生活音
インターフォンのチャイムの音 耳を塞ぐ鳥かごの少年
見えない敵と戦ってる 六畳一間のドンキホーテ
僕が死のうと思ったのは 冷たい人と言われたから
愛されたいと泣いているのは 人の温もりを知ってしまったから
僕が死のうと思ったのは あなたが綺麗に笑うから
死ぬことばかり考えてしまうのは きっと生きる事に真面目すぎるから
僕が死のうと思ったのは まだあなたに出会ってなかったから
あなたのような人が生まれた 世界を少し好きになったよ
あなたのような人が生きてる 世界に少し期待するよ
I Thought I Would Have Died
Interpret: Mika Nakashima
Lyrics: Akita Hiromu
Music: Akita Hiromu
Translation: Kumonoito
I Thought I Would Have Died is because black-tailed gulls chirped on a pier
Appeared and disappeared drifting on the waves, flying away and picking my past as they go
The reason why I thought I'd die is because apricot blossoms bloomed on my birthday
Can I become the soil with dead bugs if I nap under the sunbeams filtering through foliage?
Mint candy, lighthouse at a fishing port, rusty arch bridge, abandoned bicycle
In front of a stove at a wooden station house, my heart can't set out anywhere
Today looks like yesterday, if we wanna change tomorrow we should change today
I know, I know... but...
I Thought I Would Have Died is because my heart went blank
The reason why I cry over being unsatisfied is surely because I wanna be satisfied
The reason why I thought I'd die is because the shoelace got undone
I'm not good at connecting things together, the same goes with human relationships
The reason why I thought I'd die is because the boy was gazing at me
I'm getting down on my knees on a bed to apologize to myself on that day
D-i-m-light of a computer, sounds of life coming from upstairs
Sounds of interphone chimes, boy covering his ears in a birdcage
Don Quixote who's fighting with an invisible enemy in a six-mat room
Goal must be ugly anyway
I Thought I Would Have Died is because I was called a cold person
The reason why I cry for being loved is because I've got to learn the warmth of others
I Thought I Would Have Died is because of your gentle laugh
The reason why I only consider dying is because I am way too serious to live on
I Thought I Would Have Died is because I hadn't met you yet
I fell in love with this world a little more where people like you were born
I will place my hope in this world a little bit where people like you are alive.