today we are going to focus on muscle relaxation if you feel any tension in your body this isperfect for you if you feel tired or need to release any comfortable sensations this bodyscan will help you listen closely to your body in a brand new way learn how to release any tensionand any stress through this body scan lie down on your bed or couch or you can be sitting inyour meditation position wherever you feel calm and safe and are able to let go of your defensesfor the duration of this session find a comfortable and relaxing position where you canfeel grounded and relaxed and all that relaxes and refreshes you and your body as you relaxAt ease, finally ready to chill, and focus on how you feel.Along the way, don't force your body to change how it feels, but instead accept its signals.This is the way your body speaks to your mind.Instead of shutting it all down, respect it, listen to it, cherish every single messageto learn something more about your body, and how it reacts to things like emotions or illness.Did you know that muscular tension is strictly linked to stress, anxiety,stress?and worries it's time to release all of this from your body as well as your mindnow we will begin the body scan from the top of the head to observe the body fromhead to toes along the way we observe exactly how we feel and notice how thebody sensations release pain and tension with this meditation technique the powerof our compassionate being and caring mindfulness while nourishing the breathso let's begin when I say a part of the body just visualize relaxation in thislocation and if you feel any tension you can send your breath there breathinginto the tense areas almost like a laser releasing any tension painand tension with this meditation technique the power of our compassionate being and caringyou are holding in that specific area of your body so bring attention to the topof your head and just notice how the very top of your head feels and bringthat breath into the head breathe deeply into any tense areas at the top of yourheadand now breathe into the forehead deeply relaxing your forehead allowing any tension to melt awaywith the breath and now breathe into your cheeks feel them relax as you breathe andand breathe into the mouth feel your mouth and jaw loosen as you breathe nowtake a deep breath into the back of your head relaxing the back of your head witheach breath you take and breathe into the tops of your shoulders letting yourshoulders hang and relax breathe deeply relaxing this area and now breathe intothe front of your chestrelaxing breaths expand and contract your chest now breathe into the upperback sending relaxation here with the breathbreathe into the middle back nowrelaxand breathe into your lower back deeply relaxing your back with the breath andbreathe into your stomach feeling it rise and feel it fall any way anyone'sany tension it just melts away and noticing your ribs expanding with the breath relaxingyour entire body with the power of your oxygen bring your awareness to your shoulders andbreathe into your biceps triceps breathe into your forearms and breathe into yourhands bring your attention to your hips feel firmly rooted to the ground below youbreathing into your hips and pelvis deeply relaxing this area and bring your attentionto your thighs the right thigh the left thigh the right knee and left kneethe right shin the right calf muscle and the left shin and left calf muscle rightankle left ankle right foot and then the bottom of the foot the top of the footand all of your right toes your left foot now the bottom of the left foot the top ofthe left foot and finally the toes now scan your body from head to toetake a total body overview making sure to take your time to notice how you really feelif you feel any tension any pain bring your awareness to that area and breathe into itdrawing in positivity and energyand exhale any discomfort or pain that you feel feel yourself in total relaxation feelyour body free from any tensionand feel your body free from any tensionand relax and relax go in and relax and relax before you get to any regulationyou are ready to rock the rest of your day with a relaxed and brand new perspectiveuse this relaxing body scan whenever you need to find your center whenever you need to feelyourself and to relaxEXIThmmmmmmmYou have a brand new approach towards your body and towards your own personal and intimatesensations.You can use this to manage stress, anxiety and pain.You can finally be the master artist of your body.Namaste.