If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, had been black man
Um homem de cor, a mesma mensagem de fé e de amor
Teria o santo o mesmo andorro, e a peça da negra cor
Você teria o mesmo amor, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
If Jesus Christ had been black man
There would be indifference the color of his purple skin
There would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, had been black man
A mesma paixão, a mesma nobreza no gesto da mão
O mesmo brother, negro irmão
Se ele fosse esse negão
Se ele fosse esse negão
Eu não sei, eu não sei, eu não sei
Se Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, had been black man
Oh now
Nego legal
Palavras e gestos de amor sem igual
Discriminado anjo marginal
E essa tua devoção seria exatamente igual
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
If Jesus Christ had been black man, there would be indifference the color of his purple skin
Haviam sido homens negros
Se Jesus Cristo tivesse sido um homem negro
Havia sido diferente
A cor do seu rosto
Se Jesus Cristo tivesse sido um homem negro
Havia sido um homem negro
Se Jesus Cristo tivesse sido um homem negro
Se Jesus Cristo tivesse sido um homem negro
Se Jesus Cristo tivesse sido um homem negro
Se Jesus Cristo tivesse sido um homem negro