Since this all began, there is never a time when I'm not hungry.
I gather food around me to encourage trust,
not to give up when inevitable fears of the future overcome.
Since this all began, there is never a time when I don't miss proof.
I gather evidence around me to discourage hope
from wondering if waiting for its outcome can ever be enough.
Since this all began, I marvel at the resourcefulness of reflection,
the swaying of trees, supplanting of freedoms,
change in all forms as turmoil's testimony overwhelms.
Since this all began, we've barely begun getting to know one another,
praying for more memories to come to light
I imitate Shabbat candles, resolving to be more present, but it's too bitter.
Since this all began, it takes more energy than ever to control my appetites,
my organization, my attention span.
Hot and cold like the seasons surrendering some quanta.
Since this all began, there is never a time when I'm not hungry.