High above the forest in the night sky
The stars are shining brightly,
time for beddy-bye.
Star flew down to Owl,
hoo-hooed it and said,
Let's say goodnight to all our friends and put them all to bed.
tuck into your flower.
dreams till the morning hour.
baby bear, lay down in your den
until the sun
rises and it's morning again.
Betty Bye,
Bunny Rabbit, close your eyes and dream
Of all the games tomorrow we will play by the stream
Betty Bye,
Little Squirrel,
curl up in your nest
You gathered acorns all day long and now it's time to rest.
slithery snake,
curl up nice and tight.
We'll meet again tomorrow in the early morning light.
tiny turtle,
rest inside your shell.
friendly frog, let's not make a sound
In the morning you will ribbit and hop all around
Bedi bye little bird,
though the night seems long
Soon it will be morning and we'll wake to your song
Now we've said goodnight to our friends near and far
Betty bye to you owl,
Betty bye to you star.