CO2, see me see you dance on the people, climb up on the booth, hangin' from the dance floor, on the people, climb up on the roof, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein' on the people, with the people, on the people, smokin' CO2, see me see you dance on the people, climb up on the booth, hangin' from the dance floor, on the people, climb up on the roof, dancein' on the ceiling, on the people, I got people on the people, dancein' dancein' on the people, I got CO2, see me see you dance on the people, climb up on the booth, hangin' from the dance floor, on the people, dancein' on the people, dancein'
on the people, dancein' on the people, I got people on the people, people dancein' on the people, with the people, on the people, smokin' CO2, see me see you dance on the people, climb up on the booth, hangin' from the dance floor, on the people, climb up on the roof, dancein' on the ceiling, on the people, I got people on the people, dancein' dancein' on the people.
I got people on the whistle, people dance on the whistle
With the people on the whistle smoking CO2
See me, see you, dance on the whistle, climb up on the boost
See me from the dance on the whistle, climb up on the roof
See me on the ceiling, on the people
I got people on the whistle, dancing, dancing on the people
I got people on the whistle, dancing, dancing on the people