South Africans, there is a special place for your song, although it has come a long way. Fearless men, who jump and die. Men who mean, just what they say. The brave men, of the Green Beret. Silver wings, upon their chest. These are men, America's best. One hundred men, will test today. But only three, with the Green Beret. Trained to live, on nature's land. Trained in combat, hand to hand. Men who fight, by night and day. The brave men, of the Green Beret. Silver wings, upon their chest. These are men, America's best. One hundred men, will test today. The Green Beret. Back at home, a young wife waits. A Green Beret, has met his fate. He has died, for those oppressed. Leaving her, this last request. Put silver wings, on my son's chest. Make him one, of America's best. One hundred men, will test today. Have him wear, the Green Beret. Silver wings, upon their chest. These are men, America's best. One hundred men, will test today. But only three, with the Green Beret. Only three, with the Green Beret. Thank you very much. Welcome to Country is Great! Steve and Friends. You may ask, how come I only have three friends? Or will you? Make it for you. Make it for you. Make it for you. Make it for you. It's enough. More is enough. More is enough. Okay. Okay. So, I invited my friends. Not everyone has chosen. These are my friends. These are people I know very well. I know how sweet their country music is. I think that counts tonight. For example, Hideo. Hideo is so good. He is so good on so many different instruments. He plays this thing. He plays a guitar. He plays a mouthpiece. And he can sing. And he can write songs. So if you want him here, you have to pay him for four people. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a hand for the only one. Rikke Snel! I'm going to let you do one thing at a time. From now on, you say nothing. You sing nothing. You don't play that. I don't know if people should hold a guitar like that. But you will. You will know. This is Dabrou. This is Rikke Snel. We are in good hands. We are going to sing a song that we have chosen. From Kenny Rogers. Which is our favorite.